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Frequently asked questions (faqs)

Frequently asked questions (faqs)

What does my child need to bring to camp?

Is food provided for the campers?

What is the Staff to Camper Ration?

What time is dismissal?

What if I am running late for pickup?

What if my child is going home with another camper?

What if there are certain people who I do not wish to pick up my child?

What if I need to pick up my child early?

What if I need to drop off my child early?

Can my child make up missed days?

What are the staff qualifications?

What medical staff is on-site?

What if my child needs to take medication during the day?

What is the average group size?

What temperature is the pool?

How deep is the pool?

Can my child's friend or relative join him/her for an hour or so at camp when they are visiting?

What are workshops?

Can my child celebrate his/her birthday at camp?

What should my child not bring to camp?

Who do I contact with questions?